Originally posted by Ericc:
Of course there is the appearance of inner changes becoming manifest. We note spiritual changes in others and ourselves. Yet perhaps this is not growth but the direct opposite? It is not essence that grows but the decline of “self” that allows our light to shine in ever greater intensity. And in any given moment we are capable of dropping the cloak selfhood and being fully realized of essence.
You're saying we grow out of our self? Hmmm.. where did I grow? I mean go? Wisdom makes me grown/groan/growin' he he..
You're saying essence doesn't grow, but self does.. many people only know their self as their essence.. you are quite an impressive peoples dear Eric!
There is the eternal part of self, then there is the day to day self. Day to day self thinks it stays the same, when in reality it constantly changes and there is an essence that is always the same, though unfolding..
Very thought provoking post Eric! It is growing on me! I should stop thinking and do what Angela said: "Freeing oneself from words is liberation." Aaaahhh..
Love and light being, Teo