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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

There is no growth

Early this morning I was thinking of "spiritual growth" and wondering if this is the proper light to view this matter.

Often we think of growth as a series of "events unfolding". Using an example of a seed growing to a tree we can see clear stages of growth. The seed sprouts, and with nourishing becomes a young sapling, with the right conditions this young tree grows to a mature tree in a full expression of it's growth potential.

And yet perhaps these stages are not so quite clear for the "seed/tree" of you and I. There is never a moment when the expression of a fully mature tree is not present. From the seed, to the sapling, to the aged tree in full maturity, and yes, even in it’s eventual decline. The essence of “treeness” is always fully visible if we look deeply. The captured stage of a moment of growth is only a delusion of time and belongs only to the eyes, and not our deep seeing heart and mind.

And so it is for you and I as well. We are the unfolding of a continuous presence. As infants we are the full expressions of our limitless nature. As children, teens, and young adults the changes of our flesh fail to capture the truth of who we are in every captured eye moment. Into full adulthood and our steady loss of mass and structure we remain as true to essence as ever. And even death does not change this truth.

Of course there is the appearance of inner changes becoming manifest. We note spiritual changes in others and ourselves. Yet perhaps this is not growth but the direct opposite? It is not essence that grows but the decline of “self” that allows our light to shine in ever greater intensity. And in any given moment we are capable of dropping the cloak selfhood and being fully realized of essence. It is said that Sai Baba is able to hold a seed within his hand and rapidly urge its growth into a small sapling. Sai Baba does not change the seed into a tree…he simply removes the illusion of “seed” from that which is present. He allows essence. As did St. Francis when he whispered to the Almond tree in the dead of winter…”speak to me of God” and the tree blossomed to full Spring beauty.

So perhaps there is no spiritual potential…. only spirit. There is no growth but only the dropping of what no longer serves. At any moment we can whisper to ourselves… “speak to me of God” and blossom to the fullness of ever present essence.

Whispering with you...…always.

Original Post
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