I have decided to make about 2 changes to the chakra presentation:
1) I am nowadays going to use true rainbow colors, meaning: the crown will be violet and the third eye indigo.
2) I will add the ENDOCRINE GLAND for each chakra, and the petals - sanscrit letter for each (I should explain: the root chakra, muludhara, has 4 petals, each petal of a chakra is a sanscrit letter. The next, the sex one, has 6 letters, etc.. I'll list the letters for each chakra as well).
Other than the above, I will 'activate' the image of the chakras in such a way that one can CLICK on a chakra to go immediately to that 'page.'
I will keep it where it is speed-wise, being about 30 seconds on each, so that it is a nice quick 4 minute overview - the original presentation had the full songs and was over 1/2 hour, too long for a quick 'brushing up.'
You (all) see, this Teo Vision area I will use to develop these arts and crafts of mine into more finished 'edutainment,' and for some reason

Thanks for your great replies! You will probably be the first to be
TeoVision balanced beings
he he..

Love n light, Teo

Teo's presence: Givnology forums, freeboards, tradigital music, Third Millennium Thinking, new media
May we have enough compassion so that people with solutions for us all can bring them to us without fear