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The Wheel of Life - Tibetan 187k 280K 1.1MB

The Wheel of Life is the intangible reflection of moon in water, a bubble of bewilderment
Fleeting mist and rippling water the taste of honey on a razor blade. -Naropa

Over one million Tibetans have died under Chinese oppression since the 1950 invasion. During the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese attempted cultural genocide, destroying over 6,000 monasteries and untold thousands of works of Tibetan art. Over 100,000 Tibetans struggle in exile as dislocated refugees without a homeland. To this day, Tibetans continue to suffer torture in prison camps for the crime of wanting a free Tibet. While the Khampas created a resistance movement and fought the Chinese, the Dalai Lama, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, advocates nonviolence as the only solution to the Tibet issue. "We must embrace our enemy as our best friends," he says. "They teach us patience and compassion. Tragedy forces no alternatives but to go deeper beyond the suffering of existence. The tragedy of exile has made us better Buddhists. We are more aware of impermance and the necessity to find peace internally."

Last edited by Teo
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