You know, I have the audio version of Creating Affluence... but this was never in it.
That is so beautiful, so sensible, so i'm going to try it.
And, a few years ago when I started on this path of enlightenment, I was trying to find answers to so many things, I read as many books as I could about God and about Ancient Knowledge.. I tell you this, because, it was during this time that I came into a large sum of money.. over 300,000 grand, and it came literally out of nowhere, no one had to die, it just came..
So I now have no doubt that this is true. Though there were circumstances around the money that came my way, those circumstances are and were only an idea of mine, an interpretation of what I think... but I know now that the universe is glad and only to happy to let me think any way at all, it is just happy to give, give and give..givnology.
I feel like singing at this new insight!!!

And give it freely.
Wow, I just can't believe this new insight. It makes so much sense.. perhaps this is a little what is meant about God being a jealous God.. or Godess.
Knowledge will I seek.

Wait thats not knowledge!! Where did that come from??????
The mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open.