Motionless from behind a window
I watched a golden leaf in its battle
between clinging to its mother tree
and longing for its final solo dance.
Captivated by its dialogue with fate
I moved closer with my heart
silently whispering words of love.
I felt the urgency of the breeze
whose invitation to let go increased
the rhythm of the trembling leaf.
It sweetly rocked within my eyes
and touched my core with its song.
A song of gratitude for life
a song of sorrow and of joy
a song of final good bye,
accompanied by a background sound
similar to a bee hive hum
just before it moves on
into freedom.
Suddenly the breeze paused
we both caught our breath
and savored the moment of peace.
Let's cling a little while longer then
to show the world our outfit of pure gold!
But the breeze was quickly back
with its gentle nudging to let go ...
Let's be brave now and take a leap
into the open arms of tomorrow
wherever that will be.
The final notes of the leaf
kept me in reverent silence,
I knew I was meant to listen:
“Stay with me oh stay with me
while I dance my last dance on this plane
as I move on in joy into freedom”.
The infinite grace of the leaf's last dance
left me in awe and mesmerized
as a silent tear fell from my eyes.
I have witnessed life
and its transition into the light.