Now to your "promise of this moment" dear Eric: your words hold so many beautiful discoveries that I will need some time to "absorb" them. But while reading I am aware of a sort of "remote echoes" of answers I contain, without being able to fully profit from them. We are light! And this light holds all we need to bloom in this life? Probably most of the time we obscure this light with our constant worries and doubts, our feeling of being impotent with regard to our life's events.
When I raise my energy as it happens during meditation I reach sometimes such a peak of sensations, that I am tempted to call it spiritual orgasm. And fleeting as it may be, the memory is strong. Still, my little self seeks satisfactions of material origin in the hope to fill momentary lack of "higher awareness". I am really deeply impressed by the extreme importance of our breath ..... I know, but your explanations tell me that this is something that I will have to improve through daily exercise.
The promise of this moment is so precious. As are your words. I feel as if I was sitting at your feet, listening in wonder, opening my heart and my mind to receive your wisdom. "Upanishad"!
You know dear Eric you have a wonderful way to communicate! I treasure your words and will read them again and again, until the seeds I carry within, will begin to stir ... wanting to grow and to bloom, wanting to make love with and to the world. Wow!
I love you, Master of Love!