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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Reply to "The Meaning That Lies In A Moment of Non-Meaning"

Hi People,

I had a Teotronic moment lastnight, it was about 12:30, I was lying in bed and decided to go outside for a ciggy. I stood looking up at the stars and the realisation came to me that inbetween the stars (where there arent any stars) is the GAP in Gods thoughts. I stood pondering my new found in-sight when the over-whelmingness of the whole thing really grasped me and I felt tingly all over and just then a shooting star, very slow in its descent, fell from the sky.

It was all pretty cool, I saw the GAP between God's thoughts!! And a shooting star cemented my observations...



The mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open.
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