Strangely I feel more gravitating to the meaning in a moment of non-meaning. My life has been very topsy turvy lately, still not settled AT ALL, but strangely there is a peace.. in the eye of the storm. I'm finding that being @ peace is the key to handling all the turmoils..
This Givnology shrine to beauty and love now has such a life of it's own! I am eternally grateful to you all for being the wind beneath it's wings

I'm finding myself having less and less to say, though even more information I love sharing, I just figured out how to have my scanner do OCR - scan into text! So I will have more "omwork" to share, quotes with information and ideas for the better world we are making, but I am also feeling less opinionated. More into the meaning that lies in a moment of non-meaning.
Nice void you paint Eric, such endless depth and space. I feel transported by your words. I'm overjoyed you are sharing such great writings! And the Giving of Knowledge is underway! We're doing it! he he..
Healing love to all, Teo

You can't force peace, only show it.