You help me to improve my awareness of the touch of life. Your illuminating words open new horizons.
I close my eyes and I move to a silent place, where I can ponder the meaning of non-meaning moments ...

There is a deeper fragrance that floats beneath the layers of the day.
Love is inherent in all that we consume, in everything that passes by lip and tongue.
When we kiss another we become the form of one. Our arms open, as does our spirit to embrace and invite the formless to make love within our space.
We are the fingertips of eternity ... caressing this very moment.
Sound longs for the kiss of ears. We are the fortunate songs that play across a lifespan.
I vibrate in joy for this gift of yours.
Thank you!
I love you, Margherita

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita