Your poem is very beautiful and filled with the magic of winter.
Thank you for coming back to Givnology and sharing it with us.
Love, Inda

quote:Once upon a time ...
Ice skating
by Margherita Rueger
Winter’s icy breath
eagerly seeks mine
to engulf my throat
with its taste of youth.
Hit with memories
impatient to be savored
I allow my mind
to take seat in the front row
to watch the movie,
to let the emotions flow.
My soul sails back in time
and slips into my body
in its season of Spring …
The shimmering white field
beckons me like a lover
and seduces me to let go
of all inhibitions.
I bow slightly
to the Spirit of Ice
floating in the air
as I enter its domain.
I glide over the
reflections of the moon
and I dance to the rhythm
of inebriating tunes,
in sweet surrender to
the gentle kiss of harmony.
My heart whispers softly
that I can set off and fly.
My bones and muscles
transform into pure energy.
I grow wings of butterfly.
And then I dream my dream
of turning into a star,
into the number one ice queen.
I easily spin, whirl and twirl,
axels are “ein Kinderspiel”.*
Drums roll in suspense
for an overhead performance.
My heartbeat races
in incomparable delight.
Oh, Winter bliss
of long gone times
I still vibrate in ecstasy
at the memory
of my symbiosis with
the Spirit of Ice.
When Winter’s breath
holds me in its spell
I simply transcend time
to be lifted up into realms
of heavenly wonder.
I dance on ice
and I know paradise.
Gentle kiss of harmony
sweet immersion
into the sea of infinity.