In addition to the astute observation that less is more, should we not look to a workable model like the Canadian, and European approaches to health care etcetera, as opposed to the corrupted system we have here in the States where the wealthy legitimatize their holdings by default, and call it generosity to condescend to work us into the plan as indentured servants?
It is not merely a matter of hoping that the fortunate will help out the unfortunate which they tend not to - but to create a model that allows everyone to be fortunate. We still have a broad dichotomy.
I may sound like I'm embracing socialism. I am.
But then we must address the issue of how historically there have been nothing but bloody revolutions to force equality. You can't force equality. The ruling classes won't allow it nor should they. You also can't expect the masses to suddenly develop good taste or to stop shopping at Wall Mart or signing up as Marine Reserves.
Indeed, you cannot take it with you, and as Teo suggested, to simplify our demands is the start of things.
Mark Twain put it very well. He said it's more of an accomplishment to get a rich person to give you a quarter, than to get full support from a peer. He was right when he said it,

Speaking as a rich man with the multitudes begging from me, I can understand why. (Hee hee).