thank you for the wisdom of your words.
Often we get carried away with a false sense of security, looking for more and more material things, and all sorts of unnecessary toys that we really do not need, in order to fill a void in our lives.
May we appreciate the life that we have been given, and may we appreciate the beauty of the present moment. Let us be grateful for our good health if we are fortunate to have it. There are many who would give all their material possessions to be physically able and well.
There is always someone who has less than we have, so let us share what we are able to with others. This may be a gift of money,no matter how small, many small coins add up ;clothing, food , a cup of hot coffee, or a kind word and a smile. Just by speaking to a homeless person will lift their spirits and give them some dignity.
Let us send out positive intentions, because what we send out always comes back to us.
Sending out ++++++lovebeams to all beings.