Originally posted by Vicky2:
I hope that we will all find our higher self which is peaceful. The world needs real peace, which means it has to start with each person.

Thank you Inda, Sue and Vicky. I am reminded of something a dear friend Nina told me: "There is a Ninja technique where you are completely non-confrontational. You simply slip over to the side and allow your opponant to fall of his own energy." This is the kind of think (he he..) I believe the world needs nowadays. We can't keep putting ourselves into "sides," saying "you won, we lost" and junk like that. If we are truly all aspects of one being, then our lesson now is in how to play part in the bigger picture.
I also don't believe what "we are supposed to believe" about many things in the media, come on, there are bigger players and bigger issues than what "we" are talking about now AREN'T THERE????
I accept the challenge of the Highest Self, to keep above the mundane and rote, transcend the illusions that most people continue to put out there. Resting in higher awareness, with patience and positive creativity, one gets closer and closer to being able to manifest what one desires. I dedicate my being to staying in positive futures mode. Love Robot programming complete! he he..
Love and light being, Teo