And dear dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita), the Teo-cell thoroughly enjoys the Margherita-cell's functions! he he..

quote:Originally posted by Margherita:quote:...the most obvious expression is sleep. Why we need to sleep remains a medical mystery, yet complete disfunction develops if we don't. In the silence of inactivity the future of the body is incubating. Being obsessively active is not an option.
Going to favour silence of inactivity to incubate the future of the body ...
Bowing to the Creator of such perfection!
Love and Joy.
Aaaaahhhh... mmmm... we recently had the SLEEP topic, and as we all know but don't fuss about, you, dear dpm-cell, instead of sleeping share your wisdom, wit and love with us here! Yay!
You are great at "threading together" various thinks.. EXCELLENT! The sleep concept, as dear Deepak states, "remains a medical mystery..." How about that? And I imagine dreams have the same unknown quality and need and funkyshun.. he he..

And yet, in our hearts of hearts, minds of minds, we know intuitively that sleep somehow replenishes - and seems to connect us closer to the oneness, allness, Brahma or Creative Source in some way...
I'm still working on the Franz Liszt song Libestraum (Dream Of Love) and it's far reaching implications keep me in wonder... GOOD wonder! As in wonder full! he he..

And I just love your line here:
A big 3 twirls of the hat graceful bow from I as well! Beautifully said! The creator of such perfection.. aaaahhhh...quote:Bowing to the Creator of such perfection!
May we all co-habitate our plane and planet as well as the cells co-habitate our bodies. Amen.
Love and light being, Teo