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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Thank goodness for our evolving beyond barbarism

The following is very graphic and gruesome. Those with weak stomaches don't read! It is just reminding how we are evolving, thank God!


As I have just said, your favorites cannot even approximately understand that individual persons are in no way the cause of these terrifying planetary processes and only by chance happen to occupy positions which compel them, on account of the established conditions of mutual existence, to manifest themselves in one role or another. And the results of the roles take one form or another, with a rigorous conformity to law entirely independent of them themselves.

At the height of this last process of theirs, namely, Russian Bolshevism, beings of other communities were sincerely indignant on learning that those who by chance had become as it were "active" in this distressing process were giving orders to other ordinary beings to shoot some Tom, Dick, or Harry.

To clarify my further explanations about these terrifying processes, I must tell you that this last process is still going on today on a large area of the surface of this ill-fated planet, and also that during recent times these favorites of yours have very greatly increased in number. Thus if we compare the relative number of three-brained beings destroyed in the last process with that of earlier processes, the current one will indeed seem "child's play."

In order that you may understand this better, and be able to compare those former processes with contemporary Bolshevism, I will now describe to you a couple of little scenes from ancient history, from, let us say, that Egypt I have just mentioned.

In one of the intervals between dynasties of these Egyptian pharoahs or kings, when a process similar to this contemporary Bolshevism was taking place in Egypt, the governing committee of the revolutionaries announced, among other things, to all the population of that country, that "elections" would soon be held for the cheifs of large and small centers or, as they say, "towns" and "villages," and that these elections would be carried out according to the following principle:

Those would be elected as chiefs of the towns and villages who put into their sacred urns a greater number of what are called "kroahns" than the others. A "kroahn" was the name then given in Egypt to a sacrificial offering.

Now, my boy, according to the religion of the beings of this country, during the ceremonies, which were conducted in special places, it was the custom to set before each ordinary being attending these ceremonies a special clay urn, in which, after reciting certain prayers, he had to put the vegetables or fruit designated for that day.

Well, the objects considered "worthy" to be offered as sacrifices were then called "kroahns." In all probability, this "manipulation" had been invented by the theocrats of that time as a source of revenue for the benefit of their "spongers," as they are called.

In the decree about which I have just told you, it was stipulated that on that occasion the "kroahns" were to consist of the eyes of the bandits-the name the ordinary three-brained beings gave to those of the ruling class behind their backs-and that no exception was to be made for the beings of the "passive sex," children, or the aged.

It was further stated in this decree that the one who had the most "kroahns" in his sacred urn on the day of the elections would be appointed chief of all Egypt and, as I already said, as regards the towns and villages, those beings would be appointed as chiefs who had the correspondingly greatest number of "kroahns" in their sacred urns.

You may picture yourself, my boy, what went on that day everywhere in Egypt, for the sake of collecting in their sacred urns the greatest number of eyes of the beings who in that period of the flow of time belonged to the caste of the ruling class.

On another occation, also in Egypt, I witnessed a no less terrifying scene.

For a clear representation of this, you should first know that formerly, in every one of the large Egyptian centers or "towns," there was an enormous square in which all kinds of public ceremonies were held, both religious and military, and where the masses of beings from the whole of Egypt assembled for these occasions.

Those beings, especially the masses who belonged at the given period to the weaker castes, impeded the ceremonies, and therefore a certain pharoah ordered ropes to be stretched around the squares to prevent the beings belonging to the "lower castes" from disturbing the progress of the ceremonies.

But when these ropes were stretched, it soon became evident that they would not be able to withstand the pressure of the crown and would always end up by breaking. So the pharoah ordered what are called "metal ropes" to be made; whereupon those known as "priests" there consecrated them and gave them the name of sacred "cables."

These sacred cables stretched around the squares used for public ceremonies, particularly in the large towns of Egypt, were of colossal length, sometimes as much as one "centrotino" or, as the contemporary beings of your planet would say, "ten miles" long.

Well, I once witnessed how a crown of ordinary Egyptian beings began to skewer up on one of these sacred cables-just like an "Asiatic shashlik"-all the beings, without distinction of sex or age, who up till then had belonged to the ruling class.

And that same night, with the help of forty pairs of buffalo, this novel "skewer" was dragged down and thrown into the river Nile.


OK, OK, this is gruesome stuff! It just all makes me appreciate how far we have advanced, I don't care what you say, we have!

We only skewer them .. on TV eh? .. and having more eyes.. like having more viewers.. strange idea about having rulers eyes, would one have "what they see" then?

The last part gives a meaning to "string them up," but I would never have thought of past rulers as shishkabob!

All of this just makes me appreciate our civilization, it may have it's unfairness, but at least we aren't doing those things he talks about to each other.

Gurdjieff throughout his book can't understand why humans kill each other. I agree with him on this.

Just like we have evolved beyond these barbaric practices, may we evolve beyond nuclear weapons, and all types of killing on a mass scale. Why not just compromise and live together? Thank god for our advancing consciousness. Amen. Love n light, Teo Wink Wink

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