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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Stress Relief, Improve Your Senses and other quotes from Dale Power's site.


I reeeEEEEALLY like and appreciate Dale Power's site and the information on it. Here is a piece from

Psychic Healing:Stress Relief

The best stress relief techniques I have ever found are all very straight forward and simple. Most of these things are skills you have likely seen before, or at least heard suggested. A few are going to seem a little new, perhaps strange, but they still work, so at least consider giving them a chance.

Here’s the list, because if you are stressed, you don’t need me to draw this out too much!

*Progressive relaxation: This is a fancy term for slowly relaxing each muscle one at a time. Start with one finger at a time and let go of the tension, move on to body of each hand, one at a time.

Progress through each limb to the center of your body. Finish with your neck and head. The concentration it takes to relax each muscle, one at a time, is enough to place you in a light state of self-hypnosis. A few suggestions to yourself about how relaxed you feel can really help at this point as well!

*Tense to relax: This is really what it sounds like. You tense each limb, then relax! The initial tension will allow you to notice the relaxation more easily. This works very well if you are already REALLY stressed out and frazzled. It takes very little concentration or thought to do.

*Aromatherapy: If you have the time, go smell something pleasant. Flowers that have meaning to you or a few table spoons of cocoa powder boiling in water can work as well! Scents that have meaning to you personally, that create relaxing internal feelings will be of more value to you than just following the guidebooks. If you’re on a budget, go to a health food store and smell the free samples of essential oils!

*Listen to music: Most music that sooths will do. If you need an extra boost, pick up some Baroque music. This form of classical music sounds a bit funny, sometimes creepy, to the modern ear, but it incorporates specific beats into the music that will help entrain your brainwave patterns to a relaxed and focused state. Look for things in 4/4 time for greatest effect.

*Go running: It may seem counter intuitive, but running, or any other exercise that is somewhat difficult and takes longer than 40 minutes, will release endorphins. Endorphins will help you relax and feel happier!

*Take a warm bath: Soaking in warm water will allow your muscles to relax. If you can fill the tub enough water to cover you, it relieve the pressure of gravity at the same time. You will be able to relax and let the warm water support you.

*Leave the stressful situation:This does not work in the long run, perhaps, because you still have to deal with your real life. In the short run though, it can really help to get away from stressful people and situations. Think about the situation first of course, but if it can be done without making things worse, give it a shot. This is not to say you should avoid things forever! Just take a break of a few minutes to collect yourself and your thoughts, before jumping back in.

Now for the psychic techniques!

*Shield: Many times when we deal with others, whether we admit it to ourselves or not, we are bombarded with the feelings of others. Good shielding will help keep the others out and make sure the stress you feel is your own! (If you don’t know how to shield yet, please read “Empathic Shielding” by Dale Power)

*Generate a field of happiness: This is easier than it sounds. Relax and remember a time when you were happy. Replay the feelings and let them grow stronger. Hold on to this for a few minutes. This will build a psychic field around you that will help to keep both you and others happier.

*Entrainment therapy: Get a friend with skills to help you out, or hire a professional. when you focus on each other, the person with less synchronized brainwaves will match the more unified state of the other. This will almost instantly relieve stress and garner peace of mind for you. The person doing the entraining does not even have to be a “psychic”. An advanced practitioner of meditation can do this as well. It is the deep state of mind, the level of synchrony, that matters.

*Commune with nature: Go to a natural place, or a nice park, and open yourself up to the experience. Plants have a stress relieving quality, when interacted with on a psychic level. They simply run to a feeling of calmness that soothes!

If you are stressed, pick one that seems easy to do, give it a good half hour to take effect. If that doesn’t work for you, try another!

I like how Power starts with a muscle-by-muscle relaxation, and ends with communing with nature! Yay! Clap

Here is the beginning of the "Improve Your Senses" section:

Improving Your Senses

There are two ways to increase how much you perceive. The first is to repair any damage that may have been done to the sensing organs, perhaps even improving on the natural structure. You might do this with mechanical enhancements, like glasses, binoculars and hearing aids or with surgery. It is possible that in the future gene therapies will be discovered that will allow a person to grow better eyes, ears and noses.

You can also improve your ability to see, hear, feel, taste and smell by learning to be more fully aware of the information that is coming in.

Our minds filter the impressions we get from our senses. This is done to protect us from having too much information to work with in our early lives. When we are young and have not learned how to deal with the world, we learn to block out large portions of the incoming information. Visually we only block out about twenty percent of what comes in through our eyes. This makes sense for a species that is primarily visual. We only process around twenty percent of what we hear, ten percent of what we feel and around two percent of what we smell and taste.

By learning to pay closer attention to what we are perceiving we can condition our minds to except greater amounts of information. In a manner of speaking we can learn to have better reception of sensory input...

This is great... because...

Common sense isn't very common anymore!

OK we're talking about another meaning of sense.. he he.. RaisedBrows

I also like how although he is talking about spiritual metaphysical mystical psychic mumbo-jumbo, he is practical, realistic, genuine, compassionate and logical as well. As I've always said, you meditate to get your bearings and center solid, then you act! Prayers and visualizations are great along with concrete real-world solutions. Here is the stated goal of Power's site from:

Our Goal

This site is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality healing available. We are dedicated to giving you solid treatment in the most convenient form possible at the lowest cost per treatment.

We also hope to promote a logical and reasonable use of psychic abilities in healing, working in concert with not only the medical field, but good habits and personal responsibility as well.

May we be effective in sharing our healthy living information and links. May those needing healing find just what they need for the best for all concerned. Amen.

Applause Thanks googols Dale! Applause

Love and light being, Teo Do Bang Book Idea Angel Angel

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

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