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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Star shower deviation

Her steps resounded with indifference.
A grey bench yawned into her face
she yawned back and sat down with a sigh.
A giant black hole lured her mind.
She closed her eyes to drift into oblivion.

Yet the trees hovered kindly above her
like sentinels in their emergency attire.
In the stillness she perceived peace
she surrendered to this serene hush
wrapping herself into it, feeling safe.

Raindrops poured down her face,
heaven sent Angel tears mingling with hers.
The voices of Nature entered her ears,
a bird’s song caressed her soul.
Open to love she received the healing touch.

Her eyes distinguished the colors again.
As if renewed by a shower of light
she stretched and fetched the sunrays.
Drops of rain radiated diamond sparks.
Her legs moved with the lightness of Spring.

Universe cares and sends strings of light
to brighten our skies when they hide the sun.
There are Angels ready to intervene
by arranging a star shower deviation
with our heart center as the destination.
Original Post
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