Wake up Snickers! he he.. You passed the speed of light, and left one direction, went around the whole galaxy and arrived back coming from the other direction! You don't remember? he he..
DPM and Indra, you have the advantage, you both have my CD "Spirit To Matter." The title is exactly what it says, the process of ENFOLDED UNIVERSE into UNFOLDED UNIVERSE. It is also a pun saying "Spirit Matters!" or .. "what is needed for Spirit to matter?".. that last one is the real key for me. I've always been creative, symphonies have come to me in a blip - and taken all my life to try and complete!!!!
As I sit here, with all these spirit gifts, that aren't matter yet, or "don't matter" yet, I ponder the how and why of sharing them.
Is it really the artist's DUTY to make their art available to people?
Strangely... Teo wishes he had his brother Vincent to help him sell his art.. he he..
Spirit Matters! Yes! And at least my web site creation art is being shared and fulfilling me.
As the poets say: "I just don't want to get in the way of my poetry." May my creative gifts have the right opportunity to be heard and appreciated. Amen. Lovebeams, Teo

You can't force peace, only show it.