Dear Teo,
Thank you for you interesting post.
Life is a constant renewal and transformation.
We all are interconnected , locallized bundles of energy creating all the time. Everything around us is in constant motion, and all energy is wrapped in the present moment, continuously creating and changing.
Dear Teo, you are constantly using the energy of the present moment to create with beauty and sponteniety, and this you do on spirit level.
Someone has to write down the music and still someone else has to perform it, both of which are on the material level.
May we all look at the world through enlightened and innocent eyes, at spirit level, to be enriched by all aspects of the eternal moment.
May we all see the beauty in everything, in order to create more beauty in our lives and the lives of all beings.
The more we appreciate, the more we see God.
I appreciate your music and the infinite beauty of your creation that you share with us.
"Curving back within myself I create again and again."
~Bhagavad Gita
Love, Inda
[This message was edited by Inda on Sunday August 17th, 2003 at 04:34 PM.]