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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Spirit To Matter

Dear friends,

From the unfolded universe to the enfolded universe. From the creative to the physical. From infinite to finitely documented. Thought made flesh. Creative birth.

Spirit is manifest in all of us. We are all hairs on the great head of humanity. We are all one race because we can all make babies. Terran. 3rd planet from Sol. Earthian. That's our "race."

As we (our egos) go through learning things, they come to pass, and then they are over. Originally those things were just "what if's" and "maybes." They went through manifestation from spirit to matter.

A whole symphony can be written to the composer in a blink, take them months to write down the charts, months to get people to play the music, it is years old by then!

Is the performance part of the original creation? Perhaps the whole process is still the manifestation or materialization from spirit to matter. The business aspects don't seem creative.

Frank Zappa used to address and use the audience as an instrument! He would use the host of the show, the band, and the audience as instruments and then visually direct them like an orchestra. What great audience interactivity and collaboration!

That sure sounds more fun! But... could the composer put more and more time into intricate composing techniques, incorporate months of intense musical construction into a short piece, making it jam packed with creative elements? Would that be better?

Complete spontaneity or pre-scripting of every nuance. Completely rehearsed exactness or fluid flow of consciousness. The materializing function can take many forms.

How would spirit like to arrive. You are welcome any way you wish, dear spirit. Respectfully awaiting your joyful presentation.

Healing love to all, Teo Wink

You can't force peace, only show it.
Original Post
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