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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Some Butter is Good"

Read June 23, 2014 TIME magazine.

Eat Butter.

Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong is in this issue. I recommend that you read it. It is several pages and I cannot print it all on Givnology.

Here are a few facts only:

Since 1970 we have gotten fewer calories from these foods:

Whole milk down 78%
Refined white sugar down 35%
Beef down 29%
Eggs down 21%
Butter down 8%
Vegetables down 3%

But we are getting a whole lot more calories from these:

High-fructose corn syrup, up 8,853%
Corn products up 198%
Skim milk up 129%
Chicken up 112%
Turkey up 102%
Added fats and oils (polyunsaturated fats and corn oil)
up 67%

Conclusion: How we eat-whether we cook it ourselves or grab fast-food takeout-matters as much as what we eat. So don't feel bad about the cream in your coffee or the yolks in your eggs or the occasional steak with bernaise sauce if you got the culinary chops-but don't think that the end of the war means all the Extra Value Meals you can eat. As Katz puts it,"the cold hard truth is that the only way to eat is to eat well." Which, I'm thankful to note, doesn't have to include skim milk.
Last edited by Inda
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