My Grandmother made butter on her own with the cream over the fresh milk we bought. I remember the incredible flavor of that butter, almost impossible to find nowadays. But German and Swiss butter are still very good.
I have always eaten butter, but here in Italy I have often been criticized for eating butter, because here they think olive oil is much healthier.
I had reduced my breakfast butterbread to twice a week (usually SAturday and Sunday when I had more time to prepare the breakfast).
No doubt I love it and I think my body knows that it is good for it.
Lately I almost felt guilty because of eating butter. Being overweight, everybody thought (and said) that I should not eat any.
Reading the list of benefits makes me just so happy. Thank you for this gift, dear Sue!
Top pleasure for me is toast bread with butter and honey ........ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Tomorrow morning I will enjoy my butter even more than usual thanks to your information. Truly precious.
Love and hugs.
Butter Margherita

That's Floralp Swiss Butter!