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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Slowing Down the Aging Process"

This information comes from the Mayo Clinic:

Top 10 Health Foods

The Mayo Clinic developed five criteria for health foods:
High in nutrients vitamins, fiber and minerals
High in antioxidants and phytonutrients such as beta carotene and Vitamins A and E
Foods believed to reduce the risk of health conditions
Low calorie density
Readily available

For anyone wanting to eat healthy and prevent disease, Mayo believes including these 10 foods in our diets is our best bet: almonds, apples, blueberries, broccoli, red beans, salmon, spinach, sweet potatoes, vegetable juice and wheat germ.

More Cancer Fighters

Eat Your Spinach

Japanese scientists tell us that Popeye had it right all along. By eating our spinach we can knock out the "Blutos" within our environment who would do us harm. They found that the glyconutrients in spinach inhibited the growth of tumors and cancer cells as well as protecting against DNA destruction. Their findings were replicated by studies at Harvard and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
The American Cancer Society recommends a broad range of plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans.
The Cancer Cure Foundation studies "alternative and integrative therapies" for preventing and curing cancer. They recommend a varied diet, including avocados, broccoli, carrots, hot peppers, figs, ground flax, garlic, grapefruit, red grapes, green and yellow leafy vegetables, kale, licorice root, mushrooms, oranges, raspberries, rosemary, green and black tea, tomatoes and turmeric.

Color Me Healthy

Color Me Healthy

Dr. Mack Ruffin, from the University of Michigan's Comprehensive Cancer Center, tells us to look to color as a means of boosting our intake of foods that may protect us from cancer. His recommendation is to eat foods naturally rich in color, such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, blueberries and strawberries. Canned and frozen foods are fine, but we should stay away from processed foods.

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