I have long given up TV ... but mainly to dedicate time to the boards, instead of exercise or yoga, meditation etc.... (of course now and then I DO meditate!).
I don't smoke, I don't drink ...... but ...hmmm .... I love chocolate and ice cream!! ..... and spaghetti too, haha! But thanks to God the mediterranean diet offers much fruit and vegetables too ...
Age? I think rarely of my age ... unless the mirror sends back a funny image of me, which looks quite a bit older than the image of me that I carry within and feel within ...
Miraculous anti-aging fluids do less than the good habit to smile I think.
I could do more to look better probably, but I neglect sleep, as I am so busy sending replies here and elsewhere .... haha ... I always resist until my eyes close .... that's a bad habit I know. But now here it is even too hot to sleep!
One good purpose at the time ... first I'll try to get enough sleep.
Thank you again ...
Love, Margherita

sleeping beauty