I always thought Stonehenge deserved a place in Halloween--even though it may have nothing to do with the holiday, since Stonehenge most certainly predates the Celts and Druids. Its just the sort of thing that seems like it should be true. There are a wealth of sites of interest on henges. The Canadian Discovery Channel takes you to a Mystic Place - Stonehenge ( http://exn.ca/mysticplaces/stonehenge.cfm), or visit some of the other stone circles and megaliths of Europe ( http://witcombe.sbc.edu/earthmysteries/EMIntro.html). Did astronomy have its beginnings at places like this? Check out a "Brief Introduction to Archaeoastronomy" ( http://www.wam.umd.edu/~tlaloc/archastro/cfaar_as.html). And, wow, what a feat of engineering! NOVA provides an extensive question and answer page ( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/stonehenge/qanda /) with details of the engineering and building process.
The spirits are probably dancing at Stonehenge tonight.