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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!


And a man said,
speak to us of Self-Knowledge.
And he answered saying:
Your hearts know in silence the secrets
of the days and the nights.
But your ears thirst for the sound of
your heart's knowledge.
You would know in words that which
you have always known in thought.
You would touch with your fingers the
naked body of your dreams.

And it is well you should.
The hidden well-spring of your soul must
needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;
And the treasure of your infinite depths
would be revealed to your eyes.
But let there be no scales to weigh your
unknown treasure;
And seek not the depths of your knowledge
with staff or sounding line.
For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

Say not, "I have found the truth," but
rather, "I have found a truth."
Say not, "I have found the path of the soul."
Say rather, "I have met the soul walking
upon my path."
For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither
does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of
countless petals.

~Kahlil Gibran
Original Post
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