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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Secrets of shiny jewellery

Secrets of shiny jewellery

I was sent this recently and thought I would pass it on........

Last weekend I was all ready to join friends for dinner in a brand new outfit, when suddenly I noticed the state of the gold necklace I was wearing. Months and months of neglect in my jewellery box had dulled and tarnished the metal.

So I resolved to give my jewellery a good cleaning this week. The only thing was, I didn’t really know how best to go about it. But after some PFC-style investigation, here is what I found out.

To get your gold sparkling, soak it for seven minutes... in gin! Then bring up the shine with a soft bristled toothbrush and, finally, buff it with a soft cloth you’d use for cleaning spectacles.

For silver jewellery, try toothpaste. Rinse afterwards, of course.

Amber is best cleaned in warm milk, then dried and polished with a soft silk cloth.

Emeralds should always be taken to a professional cleaner, as they are fragile. Never put emeralds in hot water. And never wash opals – merely buff them with a soft cloth.

Finally, my publisher volunteered this bizarre cleaning tip, which she and her friends have tried and tested. If you are out at a restaurant that provides hot towels (typically, an Indian restaurant), then use the towels to give the silver jewellery you are wearing an instant, brilliant shine.

Love and Light
Herb Specialist
Original Post
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