Wow, so lucky that you reached out and found me! Though I do all the dutiful things to submit relevant pages to search submission services, like my music page and all Givnology categories and topics, the search engines rarely answer a search for Teo Vincent or Teo Barry Vincent music with one of my sites.. frustrating!

The short answer is yes, but to clarify: I'm sure that I mentioned the source. I haven't designed my own flower of life, oh! Click this to go to our topic with the FUUUULL description:
Happy Spring Flowers (of Life)

quote:From Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are by Bob Frissell
78. "After moving to the surface there is only one thing to do, and that is to make another sphere (Fig. 9-7). What you have then is a vesica piscis, or two interlocked spheres, which is the metaphysical structure behind light. And that was the first day of Genesis. Where the two spheres come together is a circle or oval. By moving to this new circle and making another sphere you get the next image, which marks the second day of Genesis...
Appropriate! Spring has sprung!

You reminded me, I was thinking about this author - maybe because YOU were? - I wanted to find out anything online, his books are totally amazingly fabulous!

I guess this is why I feel OK reproducing parts, to inspire people to search him out and get books, products, more info, wisdom for the ages, keys to the universe, yadda yadda, or at least, FUN!

Sorry to be so long winded, you inspired me! Those Flowers of Life are amazing, if not galacticly seed planting, and the Egg of life (Le'go my Ego! he he..

Nice to see you!