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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "SCULPTURE"

Degas - "The Little Dancer of Fourteen Years," 1879-81, cast 1921
Bronze with gauze tutu and silk ribbon, 38-1/2 x 14-1/2 x 14-1/4 inches
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts

Dear All, on Saturday we have visited the Degas exhibition in Rome, with a very well prepared guide and it was highly interesting indeed.

The above Sculpture is considered of special value as it is Degas' attempt to combine different material. Bronze combined with gauze and silk.

What I did not know is that Degas prepared countless sculptures in wax which after his death were made in bronze, like these:

He used them to study the movements in every detail and different position before painting his dancers on the canvas.

There were of course quite a few beautiful paintings.
He was part of the Impressionist group, but he was the less impressionist of all. Nonetheless he participated to all the impressionist exhibitions.

Love and Joy.
Margherita Smile
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