Great image dear Inda!

quote:Originally posted by dear losgann:
So we have something to celebrate today, too!
I wonder, if we took all the celebrations from all cultures and put them on the calendar, if there would be a day of the year that isn't officially celebrated somewhere?

That reminds me, Susan, a friend said that at the school where she works they collected all the holidays for the Christians, Jews, Arabs, and all the other religions, and they had to organize all the days off for each one, observances for each, and it was very difficult with all the different holidays - correctly "Holy Days" but no one thinks of them that way anymore hum?

Another think you make the thing of.. he he..

Did you know, there is a saint for every day in the Catholic faith? And... I looked mine up, my birth day - and if my folks were strict Catholic - I would be named Zacaria!!!

I can almost see myself as a "Zac!" he he..
Love and , Zacharia (Teo)