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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Reply to "Sacred bond (haiku)"

The Earth shows her heart

in sunset’s ruby passion

sacred bond of blood

With love from

Clap Ladysman Clap Kiss Clap
How beautiful! I don't know whether to clap, or give you a big kiss! Nut

It is great to have your FIERY RUBY PASSION back!

not that your back is fiery or... oh forget it! he he.. Tongue

Your beautiful little Haikus make me think of some SYMMETRY (book by Mario Livio)
Is it odd how asymmetrical
Is "symmetry"?
"Symmetry" is asymmetrical.
How odd it is.

But... nuttily, "The invention of palindromes is generally attributed to Sotadus the Obscene of Maronea, who lived in the third century BC..." so... we'll definitely forget THEM!!! he he.. RaisedBrows Wall

a reasonable one: "Girl, bathing, eyeing boy, finds boy, eyeing bathing girl." no Obscene seen there! he he.. Googly

The only reflectiveness, mirrorness HEAR, is that you, dearestest dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita), reflect the quantum universe's love... in beautiful reflections, down to the rest of us. Aaaahhh.. thank u! Love2 Asian sweety

Sorry to go on, but you simply inspire! (put the fire in!) Bounce

Love and light being, Teo Do (re, mi, far...) Violin CoolDance Dancers Doggy Beethoven Wave Wave

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Last edited by Teo
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