It opens the third eye, dispells black magic, protects the space.. It is called:
Yerba de Gracia = The Herb of Grace
And I'll tell you.. it CAN bring problems out! This means don't do it before going to work where you'll say "hey you all are trying to do ___ to me!" Don't start up conflicts you don't need!
Try it first (few times) at home, alone, ready to sleep if you need to - many people it just puts them out, they sleep peacefully - don't try it before some interaction with others, try it when you can be peaceful and find resolutions within your self.
It is an excellent stomachtic - good for the tummy, great for headaches, RUTIN, what is in it, is very healing - a stimulant AND relaxant??? It is an ememnagog, helps womens periods - also supposed to be an abortive - not for preggos! (RU486 made of it?)
Also called "Garden Rue" or "Bitter Rue" it has rounded leaves and little yellow flowers. Very strong stalk and very fragrant! Everyone is effected differently:
Some people just loooove the smell! Others are repelled by it?!? - maybe they have some black magic, eh?
I have had and have live rue, and when you have that it is really magical feeling! Great! I generally get it from the herb store, and AFTER boiling the water, I put it in the water and steep as long as possible.. well hey QueenSef, I often just eat it down!
There is a myth "don't boil Rue!" but indigenious grand mothers boil it down to a paste then bathe in it! In Mexican restaurants sometimes you'll see a stalk in a glass of water: it keep the place peaceful.
In Spanish: Ruda, Yerba de Gracia
I'm sure it will find you peaceful.. I mean you fill find it peaceful.. he he..
Let me know how it is, and if you get your own living plant!
Love life n light, Teo

ps any of you with the beautiful pictures got any Rue pictures you can upload? tanx!
May you find yourself in the world, and may you enjoy the company.