quote:Rolled up in Autumn leaves
Deep silence broken
only by my footsteps
on the freshly piled carpet
of rustling colored leaves.
Why do I hear Spring tunes
on this familiar path
we once walked hand in hand?
The crackling sound
keeps drumming in my mind,
it invites me to let go,
to rest in peace ….
Should I join the leaves
in their graceful last dance
before adorning the grass?
Waltzing across the lawn
I catch my dance partners
in mid-air for a quick caress
between like minded spirits.
Willingly I lay myself down,
rolling into their caring embrace,
to the rhythm of a Fado melody.
No tears of sorrow I shed
when the breeze is summoned
to arrange the leaves
in a golden cover over me.
Behind closed eye-lids
the late afternoon light filters
in kaleidoscopic choreography.
But soon the chilling night falls
and spreads its misty silvery arms
over the place where I hold my breath
in perfect tuning with Nature,
waiting for this sadness
to slip into oblivion.
A silent sigh and I let go.
There will be a new dawn,
transformation will give birth
to new enticing horizons.
How do I know? Love has its ways…
Rainbow colors flash through
dewdrops mixed with tears
tenderly kissing off my fears.
Thank you Margherita for these beautiful words.
