You are right, dear Teo. We need a island of peace! Unless we learn to not let ourselves be influenced by all the bad and horrifying news, indeed it is better to limit the bombardment by them. The strongest faith can shake, if you only concentrate on negative events.
However the best thing we can do is taking notice of bad news and trying to neutralize them and send out healing energy to that person or situation. This needs power, power of faith.
My husband, who "absorbs" a lot of news the whole day, newspapers, radio and tv, (he still talks of himself of an optimist, but I see the signs of the opposite) thinks I am not interested in what's going on all over the world, but this is not the case. But I feel I must activate a defensive strategy, in order to not let these impressions get the better of me. I don't want to be ruled by terror and judgement.
May we continue to project love, serenity, positivity and HARMONY, in order to counterbalance all the negativity trying to take hold of us. The worst thing is, as you say, the media seem to "blow up" all news, presenting them extensively in their worst aspects, instead of just informing people.
Loving you all.