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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Reply to "Pop Wisdom"

Eric this is just awesome!

Is this.. InfoPop wisdom? he he..

I AM in complete agreement with your statement of "watch out saying I AM angry.." all these things we say "I am" to eh? how silly!

I AM joy and abundance, wisdom and wit, shiney bright light happily bouncing off of various colors and textures, all to please you, and I and I[/b.

I love you Eric, you are the greatest. All of you here are the greatest and know I love you deeply. You are an angel to remind people to speak of their love more Eric!

In one conversation you suggested I should make "meditative media," like the 7 Chakras CD Verlon and I created. That one had 7 songs, so 7 screens, each told you about that chakra, the colors, shapes, petals, sanscrit letters and such.. well, you have done this here Eric! You are a great Tantra teacher! Now you have me wondering if I should start topics: Tantra is.., Watch what you say, Love deapth, Looking / breathing down on negative emotions, boy you have opened my bag of tricks!

I keep going through this transition to "wear" the name Givnology.. I figure I [b]WILL
need to get a Sherlock Holmes pipe, maybe little professor glasses, and .. I was thinking.. I wizard's hat.. he he..

Well this Givnology I, it is well fed on magical words of wisdom from it's choice consumable, Eric P. McCarty. It thanks you deeply for enriching it's wealth of healing loving knowledge. Quantum love to you and yours dear Eric!

Lovebeams, Teo Wink

You can't force peace, only show it.
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