I live out in the country in NE Ohio. Here's a Google earth picture of my place.
My house
I have some corn fields around me and Quail Hollow state park 1/2 mile down the road from me. I have lived here 29 years now and have planted many trees on my little 6 acres. The deer go to the corn fields and eat then some times at dusk cut across my yard to go back to the park. Sometimes they just spend the night here. They like to bed down in my pine trees out back. I stay up late on the computer at night a lot of times. I have a motion detector light that comes on in front of my garage. I have a lot of animals that live in my yard or come to visit so it comes on at night quite often, I have the computer in my living room where I can watch out the window during the day. I always peek out the curtain when the light comes on at night just to see what is going on, it is usually a cat or a bunny or woodchuck, skunk, I live beside a crick and even have beavers come into the yard and cut down a tree or bush now and then.
For one whole week I was having the light come on at 2:30 am every night and when I looked out there would be 3 or 4 deer standing around in front of my house. They didn't seem concerned over the light coming on or me looking out the window at them and they were close enough I could of petted them if I could of reached through the glass, they just kind of looked at me and just milled around for about half an hour and then one by one they would go out back toward the pine trees.
It wasn't unusual to see deer in my yard at dusk time when they would be heading for bed, but every night at 2:30 am and to just hang out in front of my window was unusual. I wrote to a few friends about it to see what they thought. My one friend sent me the pictures of the couple in the pictures I posted at the beginning of this thread. They had built their house out where those deer lived so they decided since the deer lived there first they would make friends with them. I have a couple more of their pictures I will post next.
With my deer friends at the end of the week, when I was just getting used to them and even started watching for them since they were showing up every night right on time at 2:30 am and I was up anyway, we had a small 4.0 earthquake. They haven't come back since the earthquake and now I'm thinking that they could sense that earthquake coming and for some reason that is why they were hanging out so close to my house. Maybe their way of letting me know something unusual was about to happen. We don't have many earthquakes here in Ohio. I tried taking their pictures but it was just too dark with just the garage and moon light so the pictues didn't turn out. I need to get a better camera.