Originally posted by dear TaoSeeker:
_P_ = People
_E_ = Evolve
_A_ = And
_C_ = Co-exist
_E_ = Equally
I guess sometimes you have to give a peace, get a peace he he..
Well it is a peace of joy that you are here Taoseeker (and Angela, and all you angels!), but alas, it is balanced because now "my" board (I say "my" in quotes now...) doesn't work for me.
I wished to start a new prayer about artists, I'll share it here:
<font size=+3>Artists go up above the atmosphere, look down on earth from the heavens, then come back down and share what we've found</font>
A painter / percussionist I know said that to me once, it really affected me. Yes I stick my head out of the atmosphere. Yes people say my art is in outer space. Can't be helped! It's fun actually.. just maybe not so grounded, and thank god!!!

Hopefully I'll find peace - this new technology they have trapped me in WILL WORK FINE! Aaaaahhh.. may it be so.
Love n light, Teo