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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

One of those moods

Hi Friends and Family,

Ever been in one of those moods, where everything makes so much sense? I am in one of those moods now.

After reading a post by Inda in another thread, it seems to have rocketed me in a whole new and different dimension.

Everything makes so much sense. I don't hate anyone, in fact I have a love for everyone.. even for people I don't even know.

I feel really airy fairy, in the sense that it is almost intoxicating. I feel I could rave on for hours and hours about life, love and God and how everyone is created the same and how everyone is related and Loved by the Father of us all in the same degree.

I feel like I could give lessons on why the birds toil not, not after clothing or food. And how, even though the birds are important creatures that we are more important than they are and should also toil not. For we have faith, and the ability to have that faith in child like manner.

Yes, the Father of us all... He cares for us and wants the best for us.

It all makes sense to me, right now, this moment.

I must go now, some of you may be feeling the urge to chuck.. but I love you as well, perhaps even more.



The mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open.
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