quote:Originally posted by dear Sue 1:
This is beautiful Eric.
Thank you for remembering us.
We have missed you on Givnology.
island. And seas cast wild against my shores. Once I was afraid...as storms sought a lessening of myself in angry bites. Islands stand alone. Once I fought the sea and defied the very winds that carved my place in time. Yet still my shores fell less to greater waters. No island is forever. Once...I simply gave myself away. The sea no longer threatened with the storm of her desires. And washed in waters now found holy...I am part of something more. Once...I thought I was an island. |

I always like the word "island," like I's land! Land of I's... mmmm...
Thanks for thinking of us dearestestest Ericc! I thought your thought was very thoughtful! he he..

This is a very beautiful poem! Remarkable. Slightly different voice from what I 'members... sort of... but as mystical, thought inspiring, magical and LOVE FILLED as the other beautiful Eric P. McCarty gems... aaahhhh yes....


Love and light being, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Far, Soul...)