Like spiritual tactilisms..

We are only what we dare to
Nothing more.
You 'touch' us in such a marvelous way.. you strengthen the strand that connects us with universal love.. while we are in the material world.. it is a great feeling when words can open our hearts and essences to the magnificent nothingness.. the everpresent love and voidness.. anyway these are the feelings that your 'touch' evokes in me, I'm sure reading your words is an experiential experience, for everyone a different responce, eh? It 'takes you someplace...' and what a loving place!!

I truly can't express in words my elation at you're sharing your beautiful poems with us here dear Eric!

I was just at the lake visualizing some type of "promoting" you, like an interactive CD of your poetry or something.. I think it's good.. mental meat.. he he.. no, food for thought, for me, rather than the ranting raving about palortricks or even fussing about current 'covetization's' lake of any semblance of 'sacred art' or even just art that doesn't make one stupider..

Your heavenly words, and thoughts of futures of reading more of your words.. mmm..

how about an index.. the poems grouped into overlapping SETS, that each are a path.. and 'users' could somehow 'check' the poems as they read them, building their own inner work rites..
Boy I looove letting my creative mind go there! "Hey buddy, we're doing it!" he he..

Love n light, Teo

Teo's presents: Givnology forums, tradigital music, Third Millennium Thinking, new media
When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance