I will join you in praying for the victims and their families in Asia.
Before the New Year, I would like to share these beutiful words to all our friends.
Honor the Ending (by Melody Beattie)
The journey of a year is drawing to a close. Cherish the moments, all of them, even the ups and downs. Cherish the places you've visited, the people you've seen. Say good-bye to those whose journeys have called them someplace else. Know you can always call them back by thinking loving thoughts. Know all those you love will be there for you when you need them most. Honor the lessons you've learned, and the people who helped you learn them. Honor the journey your soul mapped out for you. Trust all the places you've been. Make a scrapbook in your heart to help you remember.
Look back for a moment. Reflect in peace. Then let this year draw to a close. All parts of the journey are sacred and holy. You've learned that by now. Take time to honor this ending--though it's never really the end. Go to sleep tonight. When you wake up tomorrow a new adventure will begin.
Happy New Year my dear friends! All the best for 2005!!!