There are many people in this world who have high incomes because they have worked very hard, and often had 2 or 3 jobs in order to be able to pay off their house and other depts.
There are also many wealthy benefactors in the world who give away millions of dollars to help others in need all over the world.
Likewise there are scores of able bodied people who do not feel that they need to work because society is responsible for their wellbeing.
Everyone that I have come in contact with is working for a living and they also donate to many charitable organizations, sometimes from quite a modest wage.
People have come from the previously communist occupied areas, completely pennyless, without any financial help from anyone, yet are able to have now a fairly comfortable living due to their own hard work.
I say: Look and you will find a way to a better living; this also includes giving to the disabled, the truly ones in need and to the neglected children in the world who have no way of looking after themselves.
We could go on and on.... but now I must start work

Good discussion
