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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Reply to "My Love for You"

Originally posted by dear flower:
How nice to see and read here again. I couldn't get in with my now I'm flower.


Flower Power!

he he.. Laughing Colors Wave

I guess that dates me, hum? Googly

Aaahhhhh dearestest Margherita, look what your amazing love has produced! Applause sweety

All of the pictures and messages are so... inspiring! Dear Sue! I guess your dancing cats being.. too friendly some times, now you are having doggies dancing! I love it! Aahhhh may I have this waltz Madame Fleafree? he he..

And even a flower grows! Dear Joie it is a true, pure pleasure to see you (hear from you? he he..)! InLove Ren Ladysman Hug

I feel like getting all how's Wayne, how's the music, how's life, how's Canada, how's any new music projects.. but instead I'll just say:

Welcome back dear one!

Really great 2 c 1 of my favorite Canadian angels show up again! Wow oh wow! Really! Maybe it'll be a good year after all! Nice! Thanks! Hope to see more of ya'! Sit a spell!

You are cordially invited to make a post in announcements saying anything you like! Also if you need help logging in or something you can private topic me or admin.. put'cher feets up honay! Rest yer bones and tell a story if'n y'likes...

Love and *LIGHT* *BEING*, Teo Hide Bounce Abducted Angel Angel

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

Last edited by Teo
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