It's by Tomi Astikainen who's book is free, here:
“Is there an elephant inside of me?” Anna thought. Maybe she was thinking out loud because the teacher answered.
‐ Yes there is. Some people call it ego; some refer to it as self, and the rest call it the thinking mind. I call it an elephant. It’s much more precise expression than any of these more professional but ambiguous terms...
It has great pictures, and an interesting story about not being too wrapped up in your self. Calling that ego-centric self your elephant is strange to me, and probably most Givnology folks, because to us an Elephant is the greatest creature on earth, and who knows, anywhere!
I would metaphorize "monkey-mind" or "sloth-butt" as the inner ignorance in people, present company excepted of course..

If you read about Asia or Africa, the elephants are tragic victims of HUMANS evil-doing. And of course I like Curious-George, so maybe "Mind your inner-sloth" is my suggestion...

Enjoy the Ellies!
Love and *LIGHT* *BEING*,