Wishing all who celebrate
and a prosperous and happy 2015.
I wanted to add dear Margherita's poem as well:
Your name is on the lips of millions
while they gaze into Your baby eyes.
Whether your smile has been shaped
in wood, marble, gold, silver or stone
you touch the heart of every soul.
To celebrate Your sacred birth on Earth
we rebuild the scene of Bethlehem
and we become like children again,
to feel the genuine joy, sweet Jesus,
of that glorious hour of Your arrival.
You had been given a special mission
You were an extraordinary divine gift
for those who shared Your time
and for all the future generations.
An everlasting treasure for the world.
May we remember Your divine Light
and the message you came to share,
may we be able to identify with You,
to become true messengers of love too,
in order to heal every heart on Earth.
Be our guide on the Path of our Life,
be our light when we can’t see our aim,
be our support when we feel too frail,
be our voice when we don’t know what to say!
Kindle the divine spark within our souls!
May we become like children again,
to walk with You in trust and joy,
spreading love all over the world
providing reason to rejoice for all
remembering the truth that we are One.