Dear Vicky, the wonderful painting is Pietro Perugino's work, I love the picture, truly one of the best I found online, there is this wisdom and light shining through and strength, combined with a certain vail of melancholy.
The poem is a creation of mine. I cherished the thought of writing of Mary Magdalene for quite some time, I have always loved this woman disciple. I had read also "Secrets of Mary Magdalene" by Dan Burstein and Arne J. De Keijzer. And yesterday finally I felt inspired to take the pen, letting my heart whisper the feelings Mary Magdalene evokes in me.
Thank you again.
All my love.

Another amazing painting by Piero Di Cosimo, (Italie 1462-1521) (1490, Sainte Marie Madeleine, Galerie Nationale d'art ancien, Rome)