Thank you for your replies.
I also read the Metro paper and found this:
Atlantis may exist after all. Researchers claim they have found an ancient continent beneath the Indian Ocean.The micro-continent known as Mauritia detached about 60 million years ago while Madagascar and India drifted apart, before it was buried under huge amounts of lava, says a study in the latest issue of Nature Geoscience.
Mauritia, located between India and Madagascar, probably existed after the single landmass called Rodinia began to break up to form our modern continents.Researchers believe the Seychelles may be its surviving fragment.
Researchers gathered sand grains traced to a volcanic eruption from the beaches of Mauritius. The grains possessed a much older mineral, nircon, dated as being between 600 million and 1,97 billion years old.This led researchers to conclude that thyey were the remains of ancient land that had been dragged up to the surface during the volcanic eruption.