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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Reply to "Like a blade of grass"

I am very grtateful for these beautiful words.
Thank you kindly dear Margherita.


Like a blade of grass

With every breath I take
I inhale Your essence
savoring more and more of You
as I immerse
in the primeval tune of Love
that emanates from You.

Like a blade of grass
I quiver to the sound of your laughter
I bend with grace
to the breeze of your Spring mood
and I watch the world around me
as it dances to Your choreography.

I quench my thirst with morning dew
as each drop mirrors the beauty of You.
I eavesdrop to capture the gems
that fall from your lips
in the hush of the night.

With every breath I take
I connect with You,
source of awe and wonder,
distance shrinks to zero
as we expand in each other
erasing all remnants of dissonance.

I surrender
to the infinite harmony
of Your sacred tune of Love
and I soar in gratitude
through the ethereal space
where life’s burdens are shed
and lightness arises
on wings of butterflies.


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  • deerdown
Last edited by yoko
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