The fun "Czardas" (pronounced chardash) is the faster party section at the end, usually played by the gypsy band! I really enjoyed making my Trio Scores arrangement!
The solo performing version (not at all done, just a sketch):
I only have the dark scary part at the beginning with bass low and top way high - but then I take the bass
waaay down in that section. I was getting into digital mayhem.. ahem.. I mean reinterpreting classical with digital sounding digital sounds.. not to be confused with trying to be real sounds that are digital sounds..
Because of this song, I've decided to use 2 keyboards, quite excellent sounds on them! I'll get to making those recordings soon enouh, hey, I have 5 new CDs already this year! Whew! But I wanted to put all of the work on Emerich Kalman's "Komm Zigany" into one place, with the hilarious videos of the guy going nuts.
quote:Mariza introduces her "fiancé" to the guests and they all go out to the park. There they surprise sad Tassilo, who sings an aria "Auch ich war einst ein feiner Csárdáskavalier"/"Komm, Zigány" ("In the Spring Stillness a Gypsy Sings Afar"), which he ends with a czardas. Both Mariza and the guests see it, and Mariza orders him to repeat it. He refuses, and the angry countess announces that he is fired.äfin_Mariza